Fun fact!
Liam (aka the amazing Trombone playing penguin) has gone to the effort of creating a Facebook group devoted to the amazingness of marching band.
Unsurprisingly, it is thus entitled 'MMB 4 LIFE'.
It's a closed group, so in order to be able to access the videos of past performances, photos of the band and such, add Liam Willis as a friend and he will then invite you into the group.
Alternately, if you're already a member, add any and all of your MMB friends, and then in the tradition of all spam chain emails compel them to do the same.
Finally, if you've only just accessed this blog for the first time having seen the link on the Facebook group, click the button on the right hand side of the page that says 'follow this blog'. And then follow the blog.
And as a quick addendum, remember to play a little in the holidays so that when the January training camp comes along next January (surprise, surprise) your lips won't get wrecked.
Enjoy the holidays, have a merry Christmas and all the best for the new year.
And practice.
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