Monday, November 29, 2010


To start off with, I'd like to say Hi to the people visiting this blog having been prompted by the postcards we handed out en mass at spec. And also: join the band.

Tuesday dawned, with some of the band members having awoken before the sun so that they could make it to Cumberland High school in time. As it happened, the biennial Cumberland vs. James Ruse sports gala day was on, which meant that for our field rehearsals we had to abduct Carlingford West Public School's sports field. Not only that, but the hall was set up for an exam meaning that everyone got really cosy in the concert arcs we set up on the stage. After a cursory runthrough of our music and meeting the spec ring-ins, we headed off for our first field rehearsal.

After a couple of exceedingly sweaty hours, we retreated inside to start learning the finale dance - an activity which turned out to be remarkable fun, thanks to the ridiculous levels of enthusiasm shown by not only the drum majors but also the tenor drummers.

More outdoor rehearsals followed, with out ten hour day finishing at 6.00 pm, resulting in everyone going home rather exhausted.

On wednesday most people realised two things: firstly that they should have put on more sunscreen; secondly that they should have stretched before they went to bed, because lactic acid buildup is unpleasant. Regardless, we returned to Cumberland ready for another tough day. Whereas on Tuesday our drill was far from sound, on wednesday everything started coming together much to the relief of Lindsay. Wednesday also saw the beginning of a subset of the band learning the drill for 'Come Follow the Band'. Which meant high-stepping for the entirety of the song. Luckily, there wasn't much complex drill to learn, and thus we went back to the far more entertaining and enjoyable task of learning the finale dance. We were to be situated on the very edges of the stage, which meant that we would be the only people really visible from the audience... no pressure... but we learnt the dance (and as it turned out, we knew it better than some of the dancers, so snaps for us :) )

On wednesday most people, despite really greasing themselves up with sunscreen, still managed to sustain some sunburn, most notable Tom B, who although he put on sunblock quite regularly, including when we were indoors rehearsing (because you never know when the sun's going to burn a hole in the roof) still managed to get burnt.

Then came thursday. We started off with a couple of runthroughs of the fieldshow, followed by Come Follow the Band and the finale dance, and then it was onto one of the three buses chartered for us to get to the SEC. Much fun was had on the buses, including David K doing some memorable headbanging (as it turns out, the emo-esque fringe is well suited for it). Once at the entertainment centre we got out our instruments and proceeded to wait with incredible boredom for the Come Follow the Band rehearsal to begin. The first runthrough was... questionable, due to the fact that no-one was in time with anyone else, be they the Orchestra, the choir or us. That was soon rectified with the drumline being given earpieces allowing them to hear what was going on elsewhere and the second runthrough was quite good.

There was then some marvellously boring practices of getting onto the stage for the finale dance, which showed us just how bad some of the dancers were at staying in straight lines. It also taught us that sitting through a rollcall of all the school groups involved in the finale was as BORING AS ALL GETOUT!

But with that finished we had an afternoon rehearsal under the bridge overpass, which greatly delighted the general public, as apparently we're entertaining to watch.

During the course of thursday we had our first of numerous encounters with Kane and Ambo - the ABC3 presenters, on this occasion we gave them each one of the commemorative spec shirts. Thursday also saw the beginning of what I've decided to name 'The Great Recruitment Drive of 2010', in which we were tasked with going up to as many people as we could and convincing them to join band.

Thursday ended with our rehearsing the fieldshow and then making our way to our holding area at UTS.

Then came friday, our 15 hour marathon of performances. We arrived at 8.00, ready for a day jam-packed with marching related awesomeness.

First there was the dress rehearsal, in which we had the good fortune to see the outfits Lindsay and the drum majors would be wearing - Penguin Suits (figuratively). There was also the hilarity of Liam's ACTUAL penguin suit (which led to him being referred to as penguin boy by some primary school kids - although how they managed to recognise him when he wasn't wearing the suit is beyond me...) and then there was the preview performance, followed by an afternoon break (and recruitment time) and the night performance.

A notable incident stemming from the dress rehearsal was during the practice of the finale dance. Everyone who was in attendance thursday morning doubtlessly remembers the amazingness that was Shane dancing the finale. Not everyone was however of our opinion of his brilliance. Apparently, not only was Shane told off for not 'takign it seriously enough', but it was enquired of Lindsay whether he attended a Special Learing centre. Thus did we discover that enthusiasm is alright, as long as it didn't outshine the dancers. It's not our fault if we're an excited bunch. Anyway.

The preview matinée performance was memorable for the reaction of the Hip-Hop boys preceeding us in the show when they laid eyes on a Sousaphone for the first time. Their reaction went somewhat along the lines of 'OMIGOD BRO!! IS THAT A GIANT BONG??'
For the record: No. It is not a giant bong. This however didn't curb their delight every subsequent time they saw us.

Whilst hanging out in the parking lot before the finale dance, some members of the band were interviewed by ABC3 (because we're that awesome) ostensibly increasing our renown.

We returned to our holding area to the strains of I Want You Back and drum cadences, much to the enjoyment of the audience and the terror of the dancers who never ceased to be taken off guard not only by us coming to attention but also by the volume of the cadence (not to mention the arm length of the base-drummers, with David K causing some collateral damage).

It was at UTS that Normo was crowned 'Lord of the Dance'. Also at UTS, Dane had the idea of getting everyone who hadn't yet signed up for 2011 to do so, thus ensuring that everyone who was eligible for another year of band would be there. Then came free time, during which we joined the several thousand school kids around Market City and Darling Harbour. Drumline also had a drum party with the drumline from Yanko, convincing the majority of them to join band.

By the evening performance, everyone was somewhat tired, but we still managed to drag up our last few dregs of enthusiasm and pep for the performance.

During some of our inter-performance time on friday and saturday we also watched some marching band documentaries. Oh the sunburn.

On saturday, although by then rather tired we turned up for our last performances of the year, and in the case of most of our year twelves, their last performances ever with the band. Also on saturday, recruitment went into overdrive with masses of postcards being handed out left, right and centre in an attempt to get people to join.

We were also lucky enough to see some pirated footage of the fieldshow obligingly shot by en ex-band member (who in the interests if privacy shall remain unnamed).

Saturday evening saw the end of year pizza and farewell party, in which we said goodbye to 14 of the 17 year twelves; as well as our fantastic drum majors for the year: Megan, Chris and Normo (Malcolm). The drum majors for 2011 were also appointed: Scott, Zoe and Belinda.

Surprisingly energetic, despite the 50ish hours we'd already marched during the week, we went into the evening performance giving it everything. Just before the finale dance, ABC3 filmed some of the door 1 band members as one of their ads for the spec broadcast, thus ending our lovely relationship with the hosts of ABC3.

The finale dance was awesome, and we finally perfected the art of getting off the stage without anyone being trampled by rampaging dancers. With our performances finished, we marched back to UTS for the last time in 2010, packed up and were dismissed. Much hugging then ensued, what with the year 12s being finished, and everyone went home for some much needed sleep.

Another year, finished, and finished well. I hope to see you all next year at the january training camp, not to mention multitudes of new members. Until then, do yourselves a favour play loud and proud. Because it always helps to keep your lip in.

See you next year.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hello Band Members!
I have a special request from Rachel McCracken and the Band Boosters, could you all please email your home addresses to, (this is the boosters email) so they can send some postcards for you to give to your friends who might be interested in joining us!
cya all at spec!