Hello to all Marching Band Members! I would firstly like to apologize for the slight lateness of this blog since I did have a few troubles with actually finding something good to write for this month's blog.
Now, to start us off, this month's fun fact: It is generally a good idea to make sure that you know your drill when you have to step forward and there is a sousaphone standing right behind you. Especially if you're about the right size to get your own head swallowed up into the bell. Definitely not something that you want to happen. Trust me, it almost happened.
I would also like to welcome Francis Raciborski as our new sousaphonist. We hope you enjoyed your first weekend with us!
Saturday morning started off with a cool breeze, and the sky showed us the promising determination that it was definitely not going to rain this time. Which in truth, the weather forecast had just said no rain, just a lot of sun, and extremely warm weather.
With a brief introduction from Dane, we were sent off to prepare for a band rehearsal to practice Beethoven's 5th. This is when everyone noticed just how small our band really was without most of our year 12's. With several band members not being there, we trudged on, going through our music, making sure that we had our music fully memorised. For those who still haven't memorised their music, I suggest you start doing that now!
We were then sent off down to the field to meet with Normo for our warm-ups. Katrina put on some popular music for us to stretch along to. The stretching was just an intro into some seriously cool fun..... damentals! Fundamentals consisted of us walking forwards, backwards, and you guessed it, even sideways, while still managing to stay in straight lines AND even spacing.
That brings me to the tip of the day: Make sure you keep the upper half of your body facing towards the audience while your feet step sideways. It can be done!
Next up on the list was drill for Beethoven's 5th. It started with everyone reconfirming the numbers that they had been given earlier in the day, as well as double checking that the empty spaces next to them were actually supposed to be there. We blundered through the first half of the drill, and eventually we brought in a recording of the music. We could hardly keep up with the speed of the song, and no matter how many times Katrina told him to give us the somewhat slower version, Normo wasn't going to budge.
After lunch, to our mild horror, we were back out on to the field to finish off the drill where we tried to have a go with our instruments. Parents started to slowly trail in for our open rehearsal and watch us as we try to remember our music and drill at the same time.
Drill finished, leading on to the bingo night, but before that happened, we had to say goodbye and good luck to the year 12's that had been at the rehearsal for the day. Good luck guys, and band wasn't the same without any of you on Sunday! Unfortunately I was unable to attend the Bingo night, but thanks to our Jimmy Olsen of Marching Band (Hooray for Superman reference!), I was able to find out that Liam Willis' team won the trivia and that Dane tried to cheat twice I believe?
Sunday's weather forecast said sunny all day and an even hotter temperature compared to the day before. We went down to the field, warming up to some old fashioned 80's music and from there we jumped back into drill, expected to stay under the boiling sun for the next 3 or so hours. With numerous water breaks and much stopping and starting, we managed to get through the first half of the day.
After relaxing during lunch, we headed down into the hall that had what we really needed. Air conditioners. This is where we had another band rehearsal working on Beethoven's 5th, making sure that it is going to be perfect for the Schools Spectacular. With everyone having to have at least one go at singing their parts, it definitely left us in good spirits at the end of rehearsal.
And that ends this blog for the October rehearsal! Don't forget to hydrate yourself throughout this next month guys, Dane told us specially to do this!
Bye for now!